DRAWings XI- Pre

  Premium Key Modules:
Node Editing Module
Digitizing Module
Styles-Patterns Module
System Requirement


modular® Node Editing module™

This module adds extra node editing features. You can modify the objects of the embroidery designs more accurately and create the exact shapes you want to design. All the tools that are included are listed below:
Feature Outline:
  • Edit multi-nodes on outline objects
  • Scale on outline objects
  • Rotate on outline objects
  • Skew on outline objects

Node Editing Module is built based on Basic and Digitizing modules.


Multi node editing selection:

You can select two or more nodes of a curve
You can select all the nodes of multiple curves
You can move or delete multiple nodes
You can connect two or more nodes of a curve with straight lines
You can join two nodes (make them one) from two different curves
You can split a selected node or a curve in two sections

Transform in node editor:

Move the selected section(s)

Copy the selected section(s)
Resize the selected section(s)
Rotate the selected section(s)
Slant the selected section(s)
You can split a selected node or a curve in two sections
Copy by reference line the selected section(s)
Array the selected section(s)  
It is possible to edit every section of the the current object separately.


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